Students Achievements
Shri Raju Prasad Gupta, PGT Physics, got highest PI in science in class 10th session 2022-23.
Shri Raju Prasad Gupta
PGT Physics
Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) is a National Program for educating and popularizing Science among school students of VI to XI standards every year.
Vvm aims to identify & nurture the bright minds among the students, who are keen on subjects related to science.
12 students of our vidyalaya have been participated in VVM in current session
Navya Jain class VIII has been selected for the National level camp at Raipur. (2023-24)
Navya Jain
KVS National Science Exhibition-2023
Master SAI SHANKER SAHOO of class VIII of our Vidyalya have participated at KVS National Level in “SEMINAR” on the topic sustainable Future.