PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ambikapur
With the onset of spring the nature prepares itself most beautifully as ever. The trees and plants blossom and spread their fragrance to give us stimulation for an uphill task ahead. For students this time is critical as they are going to muddle through an examination. They might be stress ridden because of an extra familial and peer pressure and sometimes due to over expectation of their own.
It is no use to get over burdened or over stressed rather takes a rest; plan your work prudently to hit the bull’s eye. Here are few tips for your preparation for your examination. I hope it will be helpful-
- Adopt a habit of 3Rs (read carefully, write properly and review seriously) to each of the answers written by you.
- Avoid overwriting, demarcation of answer of one question from others, headings in bold letters, shun the practice of writing the answer of a question by parts i.e. one portion of the answer on one page then answering some other question and again resuming answering previous question etc.
- Develop a sense of self esteem by never comparing your performance with those of others. Compare your performance your own achievements only.
- More emphasis must be given on the questions containing 3Cs (compare, construction, calculation), 4Ds(distinguish, differentiate, define, draw), 3Ws(what, which, where) and 1H(how)
- Giving a series of brief lessons that can be completed in a short period of time without requiring sustained concentration and effort. It is to be done by splitting the syllabus into different components-viz.formulae,diagrams,graphs,properties,definitions,ordered sequence, dynasty trees in history,maps in geography etc.
- Take healthy diet and take sufficient sleep.
- Adopt positive thinking and positive living.